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Create Orders

The Orders API is a crucial tool for integrating order data seamlessly. It allows customers to automate the order creation process by leveraging data from other systems, minimizing the need for manual entry and streamlining operations.

Shippers can provide detailed order information to simplify the order creation process and avoid redundant data entry. To create a new order, use the Create Order endpoint.

Orders Structure

The Order is structured into the following fundamental parts.

  1. References
  2. Pickup and Delivery
  3. Other Fields
  4. Items
  5. Fulfillment

Supported fields

(*) Mandatory fields


The References section of the Order includes the following details:

  • Primary Reference (*): This is the main reference used by ShipperGuide’s interface.
    • It can be a PO Number, an SO Number, or any other reference that users will refer to to find and filter orders.
    • It can be repeated.
  • External ID (*): The External ID is a unique identifier of the order from your Order Management System.
  • PO Number: Purchase Order Number (PO Number) is an identifier assigned to an order by the buyer or customer. The PO number is used to track the procurement of goods and services and may also be referenced in transportation documentation.
  • SO Number: Sales Order Number (SO Number) is a unique identifier assigned to an order by the shipper or seller. The SO number is often used for tracking and managing the order throughout its fulfillment process.
  • Ship with: Ship With can be used in the order prior to planning to specify which orders must be consolidated into shipments.

Pickup and Delivery

Pickup and Delivery details must be included in the order file and include the following information.

  • Pickup and delivery facilities (*):
    • Facility name: This is the name of the facility from which the order is picking up/delivering.
      • The facility can be modified during planning in some cases and during shipment creation if the facilities on the order are not representative of the actual locations.
    • Address line: This is the street address of the pickup/delivery facility.
    • City: This is the city of the pickup/delivery facility.
    • State: This is the state of the pickup/delivery facility.
    • Country: This is the country of the pickup/delivery facility.
    • Zip code: This is the zip code for the pickup/delivery facility.
    • External ID: If provided, it will be used to avoid the duplication of facilities in case of variations in the other fields.
  • Pickup and delivery dates (datetime ranges): The dates/times for the earliest and latest pickup and delivery

Other fields

Other important fields include:

  • Movement: Describes the type of movement. This can be represented as INBOUND, OUTBOUND, or TRANSFER.
  • Supplier External ID: This is the supplier's identifier from the Order Management System or ERP.
    • The same ID needs to be provided when connecting to a new Supplier.
  • Custom Fields: An object available for the shipper to supply extra information on the Order for own reference.


Use items to describe the details of what product is included in the order.

Note: orders must have at least one item.

  • Line number (*): This is the sequential number of the item in the order. This is used mainly for order updates.
  • Quantity (*): The quantity of the item.
  • Package type (*): Package type describes how the item is packaged (possible values: bags, boxes, bulk_containers, bundles_and_rolls, cartons, drums, gas_cylinders, jerricans, pails_or_cans, pieces, totes_or_tanks, and custom).
  • Custom package type: If the existing package types do not cover the specific packaging of your product, you can provide a custom package type. To do so, send the Package Type as custom and the customized value in this field. Note, however, that using a custom package type may restrict certain functionalities, such as automatic planning of the order into a shipment.
  • Weight (*): Total weight of this item (in lbs).
  • Commodity: This is a standardized categorization of product that describes what is being transported.
  • Maximum temperature: For refrigerated commodities, you can specify the maximum transport temperature in Fahrenheit to ensure proper handling.
  • Freight class: A numerical classification ranging from 50 to 500 that simplifies pricing for shipments by grouping commodities with similar transport characteristics, such as density, stowability, handling, and liability, based on their NMFC codes.
  • NMFC (National Motor Freight Classification): A standardized system used in freight shipping to assign unique codes to commodities based on their physical characteristics, handling requirements, and liability. These codes ensure uniform descriptions and pricing for shipments across carriers.
  • Item ID: This is your unique identifier of the item (often the SKU).
  • Item description: This is a description of the item being shipped.
  • Country of origin: The Country of Origin refers to the country where a product was manufactured or produced
  • UPC: The Universal Product Code (UPC) is a standardized barcode used to identify individual products.


When the handling units are already known when the order is created, they can be provided as Fulfillment Handling Units.

  • Equipment type: the type of equipment required for transport (possible values: DRV, DRB, FBE, RFR, TANK, IMC).
  • Handling units (array): A handling unit is a uniquely identifiable physical unit that consists of packaging and contents (the items being moved).
    • Quantity (*): The quantity of the handling unit.
    • Type (*): A package type is the unit in which the items being moved are packed. (possible values: bags, bales, boxes, bunches, carpets, coils, crates, custom, cylinders, drums, loose, pails, pallets_non_std, reels, rolls, std_pallets, tubes_pipes, ubox).
    • Dimensions (length, width, height): Dimensions describe the length, width, and height for the handling unit. Certain types of transportation costs are calculated based on the dimensions.
    • Stackable: Stackable describes if the Handling Units can be stacked on top of each other or not.
    • Turnable: Turnable describes the ability of a handling unit (usually pallet) to be physically rotated or turned during handling or transport.
    • Shipped order items (*): array listing the Items being shipped inside this set of Handling Units.
      • Line number: References an item provided in the Items sections.
      • Shipped count: How much of the original quantity is being shipped in this set of handling units.
      • Shipped weight: The weight of the actual quantity being shipped.