📄️ Getting Started
Welcome to the ShipperGuide API documentation. This guide will help you integrate our Transportation Management System (TMS) capabilities into your applications, making your logistics operations more efficient.
📄️ Authentication and Authorization
ShipperGuide TMS utilizes the OAuth2 Client Credentials flow to secure API access. Follow these steps to authenticate and authorize your API requests:
📄️ Webhooks
Webhooks provide a powerful way to receive real-time updates about events in the Loadsmart system. Instead of repeatedly polling our API for changes, you can subscribe to specific events. When these events occur, Loadsmart will send HTTP POST requests to an endpoint you configure in your application. This approach significantly improves scalability and reduces unnecessary API calls.
📄️ Conventions
Our API adheres to RESTful principles and is documented using the OpenAPI3 specification. You can access the specification here for detailed information about endpoints, parameters, and expected responses. In addition to this reference, you can access it raw.
📄️ Changelog
Keep track of API changes and version updates with our changelog. It is essential that you review the changelog to understand API changes and ensure that your application is consistent with our most recent enhancements.
📄️ Errors
ShipperGuide TMS uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate the status of API calls. Understanding these codes will allow you to efficiently manage responses in your integration.
📄️ Customer Support
Need help? If you have any questions or feedback about utilizing the ShipperGuide API, please contact us at api@loadsmart.com. Our support team is here to assist you.