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Carrier EDIs

EDI remains a crucial standard for logistics transaction processing, allowing for efficient, paperless exchanges that improve accuracy and reduce the risk of shipment data loss across the supply chain.

Integrating EDI into the ShipperGuide TMS simplifies the exchange of transaction data between shippers, carriers, and suppliers, decreasing both effort and time spent managing these transactions. It simplifies the process by:

  • Enhancing efficiency: Reducing the time and resources spent on manual data entry and transaction processing.
  • Supporting legacy systems: Providing a feasible solution for carriers and suppliers with less advanced technological setups or without dedicated development teams.
  • Maintaining established workflows: Accommodating carriers who already use EDI without requiring significant process modifications.

At ShipperGuide, EDI can be used to streamline communication between carriers and shippers. ShipperGuide currently supports the following carrier-associated EDI use cases:

  • Tender Creation (EDI 204): Initiating shipping orders.
  • Tender Response (EDI 990): Accepting or rejecting inbound transactions.
  • Shipment Tracking (EDI 214): Monitoring the status of shipments in transit.
  • Appointment Scheduling (EDI 214): Coordinating delivery times and locations.

This guide will help you determine whether EDI integration is appropriate for your operational needs.

Supported EDI Transactions

EDI standardizes the transfer of shipping data using transaction codes. While the data delivered by these codes varies from partner to partner, the codes themselves are uniform. ShipperGuide enables the following carrier-associated EDI transactions:

EDI 204

204 transactions are used to create tenders from shippers to carriers. Currently, the 204 doesn't support tender updates or cancellations. The 204 transaction may include:

  • Carrier information.
  • Shipment reference numbers.
  • Pick-up and delivery locations.
  • Equipment needs (e.g., truck length).
  • Shipment recipient contact information.
  • Goods information, including weight and units of measurement.
  • Shipping instructions.

EDI 990

990 transactions serve as responses to 204 transactions, commonly provided by carriers after receiving an inbound tender from a shipper. A 990 indicates whether a carrier accepts or rejects the tender. Generally, a 990 response contains minimal information about the specific shipment.

EDI 214

Following tender confirmation, EDI 214s (Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message) can be used to transmit the current status of a given shipment from a carrier to the shipper. It includes information about:

  • Origin of the shipment
  • Shipment location
  • Current status
  • Tracking information
  • Appointment creation
  • Proof of delivery

📄 Need access to our EDI specifications? Reach out to us via

Supported Connection Types

ShipperGuide enables safe EDI data delivery between trading partners and supports connectivity via VANs (Value-Added Networks). The following connection types are supported:

  • AS2 (Application Statement 2): This method uses certificates and encryption to enable secure data transfer between partners. Due to its enhanced security features, AS2 is the preferred connection type.
  • SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol): Used for transferring EDI transactions via a client-server model, SFTP is a more general protocol that specifies various authentication and security procedures during transit and file management.

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